Global Development Studies Eminent Scholar Award
This award is given to a scholar who has made a signal contribution throughout her/his career to the issue areas engaged with by GDS.
General Information
Recipients must meet the Following Criteria
Recipients must be a current member of ISA.
The recipient will receive a plaque.
The committee usually make their decision by May 30th of each year.
The recipient will also be honored at a roundtable during the annual ISA conference.
Selection Process
The scholar is selected each year by a standing committee of three GDS members (who are not existing executive) in consultation with the membership at large.
The committee make a decision based on scholarly contribution, with a consideration of practicalities of travel cost and availability.
GDS members can suggest nominees. Suggestions must be received by May 1st of each year.
Individuals cannot personally apply for the award.
Past Recipients
2019 Nancy Fraser
2018 Vijay Prashad, Trinity College
2017 Professor Arturo Escobar, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2016 Professor Cristina Rojas, Carleton University, Canada
2015 Professor Pal Ahluwalia, University of Portsmouth, UK
2014 Shahid Qadir, Editor of ‘Third World Quarterly’ (TWQ)
2013 Professor Mike Shapiro, University of University of Hawaii at Mānoa
2012 Professor Saskia Sassen, Columbia University
2011 Professor Barry Hindess, ANU, Australia.s
2010 Professor Stephen Chan, SOAS, UK.
2009 Professor Mahmood Mamdani, Columbia University
2008 Professor R . B. J. Walker, University of Victoria, Canada
2007 Professor Dipesh Chakrabarty, The University of Chicago
2006 Prof. Silvia Federici Professor Emerita, New College, Hofstra University, New York
2005 Professor Kinhinde Mushakoji
2004 Professor Timothy M. Shaw
2003 Professor Fred Dallmayr
2002 Late Prof. Janet Abu-Lughod
Jeanne Simon
Matt Davies, Newcastle University,
Heloise Weber, University of Queensland,
Sam O. Opondo, Vassar College,